
Lees hier onze publicaties van wetenschappelijke artikelen en proefschriften.

The Required Competencies of Bachelor- and Master-Educated Nurses in Facilitating the Development of an Effective Workplace Culture in Nursing Homes: An Integrative Review Handor, R., Persoon, A., van Lieshout, F., Lovink, M., & Vermeulen, H. (2022). The Required Competencies Of Bachelor And Master Educated Nurses In Facilitating The Development Of An Effective Workplace Culture In Nursing Homes An Integrative Review Handor, R. et al. (2022)
Kennistoetsen dementie voor verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden: een psychometrische beschrijving van meetinstrumenten als handreiking voor de Nederlandse praktijk Spijker, A. J., Gerritsen, D. L., & Persoon, A. Kennistoetsen Dementie Voor Verpleegkundigen En Verzorgenden Een Psychometrische Beschrijving Van Meetinstrumenten Als Handreiking Voor De Nederlandse Praktijk o Spijker, A. J., Gerritsen, D. L., & Persoon, A. (2022).
EBP-coach in het verpleeghuis Lovink, M., Peeters, M., van de Wouw, A., van Vught, A. EPB Coach In Het Verpleeghuis Lovink, M. et al. (2022)
Developing an interprofessional learning and working culture to improve person-centred care in nursing homes: a realist action research protocol Verbeek, F.H.O., Lovink, M.H., Laurant, M.G.H., van Vught, A.J.A.H. Developing An Interprofessional Learning And Working Culture To Improve Person Centred Care In Nursing Homes A Realist Action Research Protocol Verbeek, F.H.O. et al. (2022)
Change in Advance Care Plans of Nursing Home Residents With Dementia and Pneumonia: Secondary Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial Data Bavelaar, L., Visser, M., Schlicksupp, P., Tilburgs, B., van der Maaden, T., Achterberg, W. P., & van der Steen, J. T. Change In Advance Care Plans Of Nursing Home Residents With Dementia And Pneumonia Secondary Analysis Of Randomized Controlled Trial Data Bavelaar et al. (2022)
Short- and Long-Term Mortality and Mortality Risk Factors among Nursing Home Patients after COVID-19 Infection Booij, J. A., van de Haterd, J. C., Huttjes, S. N., van Deijck, R. H., & Koopmans, R. T. Short And Long Term Mortality And Mortality Risk Factors Among Nursing Home Patients After COVID 19 Infection Booij et al. (2022)
Empowerment for people living with dementia Charlotte van Corven Empowerment, oftewel eigen kracht, lijkt veelbelovend als één van de uitgangspunten van persoonsgerichte zorg en ondersteuning voor mensen met dementie. Empowerment focust op talenten en competenties. Aandacht voor persoonlijke wensen en behoeften – met ondersteuning door familie, vrienden en zorgprofessionals – is hierbij belangrijk. Het proefschrift van Charlotte van Corven beschrijft (1) wat empowerment bij dementie inhoudt, en (2) hoe empowerment ondersteund kan worden.” Publiekssamenvatting Charlotte van Corven Proefschrift Charlotte van Corven
Assessment of functioning in Dutch primary care: Development study of a consultation tool for patients with chronic conditions and multimorbidity. Postma, S., Schers, H., van de Belt, T., van Boven, K., Ten Napel, H., Stappers, H., ... & Olde Hartman Health Expectations 2022 Postma Assessment Of Functioning In Dutch Primary Care Development Study Of A Consultation Postma et al. (2002)
Clinical and neurophysiological effects of central thalamic deep brain stimulation in the minimally conscious state after severe brain injury. Arnts, H., Tewarie, P., van Erp, W. S., Overbeek, B. U., Stam, C. J., Lavrijsen, J., ... & van den Munckhof, P. Clinical And Neurophysiological Effects Of Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation In The Minimally Conscious State After Severe Brain Injury. Arnts et al. (2022)
Implementation of interprofessional digital communication tools in primary care for frail older adults: An interview study. Oostra, D. L., Fierkens, C., Alewijnse, M. E., Olde Rikkert, M. G., Nieuwboer, M. S., & Perry, M. Implementation Of Interprofessional Digital Communication Tools In Primary Care For Frail Older Adults An Interview Study Oostra et al. (2022)
Implementation of interprofessional digital communication tools in primary care for frail older adults: An interview study. Oostra, D. L., Fierkens, C., Alewijnse, M. E., Olde Rikkert, M. G., Nieuwboer, M. S., & Perry, M. Implementation Of Interprofessional Digital Communication Tools In Primary Care For Frail Older Adults An Interview Study (1) Oostra et al. (2022)
SANO: Inhoudsdeskundigen als aanjager van de verandering Ranke, S., Kordelaar, van, M., Nijsten, H., Gerritsen, D. Inhoudsdeskundigen als aanjager van de verandering Ranke et al. (2022)
Implementing a Personalized Integrated Stepped-Care Method (STIP-Method) to Prevent and Treat Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Persons With Dementia in Nursing Homes: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. Verstraeten, H. M., Ziylan, C., Gerritsen, D. L., Huijsman, R., Nakanishi, M., Smalbrugge, M., ... & Bakker, T. J. Implementing a Personalized Integrated Stepped-Care Method (STIP-Method) to Prevent and Treat Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Persons With Dementia in Nursing Homes: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. Verstraeten et al. (2022)
Global incidence of young-onset dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hendriks, S., Peetoom, K., Bakker, C., Koopmans, R., van der Flier, W., Papma, J., ... & Köhler, S. Alzheimer S Dementia 2022 Hendriks Global Incidence Of Young‐Onset Dementia A Systematic Review And Meta‐Analysis Hendriks et al. (2022)
Cross-cultural conceptualization of a good end of life with dementia: a qualitative study. Nishimura, M., Dening, K. H., Sampson, E. L., de Oliveira Vidal, E. I., de Abreu, W. C., Kaasalainen, S., ... & van der Steen, J. T. Cross Cultural Conceptualization Of A Good End Of Life With Dementia Nishimura et al. (2022)
Towards consensus on visual pursuit and visual fixation in patients with disorders of consciousness. A Delphi study. Overbeek, B. U., Lavrijsen, J., van Gaal, S., Kondziella, D., Eilander, H. J., & Koopmans, R. T. Overbeek2022 Article Towardsconsensusonvisualpursui Overbeek et al. (2022)
The perspectives of people with dementia on their future, end of life and on being cared for by others: A qualitative study. Bolt, S. R., van der Steen, J. T., Khemai, C., Schols, J. M., Zwakhalen, S. M., & Meijers, J. M. Journal Of Clinical Nursing 2021 Bolt The Perspectives Of People With Dementia On Their Future End Of Life And On Bolt et al. (2022)
Social Health Is Associated With Structural Brain Changes in Older Adults: The Rotterdam Study. van der Velpen, I. F., Melis, R. J., Perry, M., Vernooij-Dassen, M. J., Ikram, M. A., & Vernooij, M. W Social Health Is Associated With Structural Brain Changes In Older Adults The Rotterdam Study. Van der Velpen et al. (2022)