
Lees hier onze publicaties van wetenschappelijke artikelen en proefschriften.

Doing the Right Thing? General Practitioners' Considerations in Achieving a Timely Dementia Diagnosis Visser, F.C.W., van Eersel, M.E.A., van der Zaag-Loonen, H.J., Hempenius, L., Perry, M., & van Munster, B.C. Doing The Right Thing General Practitioners' Considerations In Achieving A Timely Dementia Diagnosis Visser et al. (2024)
Diagnostic information in GP referral letters to a memory clinic: a cohort study Ronner, D., Oostra, D., Claassen, J., Richard, E., & Perry, M. Diagnostic Information In GP Referral Letters To A Memory Clinic A Cohort Study Ronner et al. (2024)
Organizational characteristics of highly specialized units for people with dementia and severe challenging behavior Gerrie van Voorden, Raymond T. C. M. Koopmans, Mijke M. Strik-Lips, Martin Smalbrugge, Sytse U. Zuidema, Anne M. A. van den Brink, Anke Persoon, Richard C. Oude Voshaar & Debby L. Gerritsen Organizational Characteristics Of Highly Specialized Units For People With Dementia And Severe Challenging Behavior Van Voorden et al. (2024)
No association between markers of systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction with Alzheimer's disease progression: a longitudinal study Arne van Setten, Jeroen F Uleman, René J F Melis, Brian Lawlor, Niels P Riksen, Jurgen A H R Claassen, Rianne A A de Heus & NILVAD Study Group No Association Between Markers Of Systemic Inflammation And Endothelial Dysfunction With Alzheimer’S Disease Progression A Longitudinal Study Van Setten et al. (2024)
A family affair: Repeated interviews with people with dementia and a euthanasia wish and their families Trijntje M Scheeres-Feitsma, Petruschka Schaafsma & Jenny T van der Steen A Family Affair Repeated Interviews With People With Dementia And A Euthanasia Wish And Their Families Scheeres-Feitsma et al. (2024)
The Association of Ancillary Diagnostic Tests With Outcome in Dementia Lindhout, J.E., Richard, E., Hafdi, M., Perry, M., Moll van Charante, E., & van Gool, W.A. The Association Of Ancillary Diagnostic Tests With Outcome In Lindhout et al. (2024)
Learning From People With Dementia What Works Well for Well-Being: Interviews and Focus Groups Noortje Kloos, Annemiek Bielderman & Debby L Gerritsen. Learning From People With Dementia What Works Well Kloos et al. (2024)
Desired dementia care towards end of life: Development and experiences of implementing a new approach to improve person-centred dementia care Biesmans, J.M.A., Bolt, S.R., Janssen, D.J.A., Wintjens, T., Khemai, C., Schols, J.M.G.A., Van Der Steen, J.T., Zwakhalen, S.M.G., & Meijers, J.M.M. Journal Of Advanced Nursing 2024 Biesmans Desired Dementia Care Towards End Of Life Development And Experiences Of Biesmans et al. (2024)
A bayesian network meta-analysis to explore modifying factors in randomized controlled trials: what works for whom to reduce depression in nursing home residents? Declercq, I.J.N., Leontjevas, R., Verboon, P., De Vriendt, P., Gerritsen, D.L., & van Hooren, S. A Bayesian Network Meta Analysis To Explore Modifying Factors In Randomized Controlled Trials What Works For Whom To Reduce Depression In Nursing Home Residents Declercq et al. (2024)
A multidomain lifestyle intervention to maintain optimal cognitive functioning in Dutch older adults-study design and baseline characteristics of the FINGER-NL randomized controlled trial Deckers, K., Zwan, M.D., Soons, L.M., Waterink, L., Beers, S., van Houdt, S., Stiensma, B., Kwant, J.Z., Wimmers, S.C.P.M., Heutz, R.A.M., Claassen, J.A.H.R., Oosterman, J.M., de Heus, R.A.A., van de Rest, O., Vermeiren, Y., Voshaar, R.C.O., Smidt, N., Broersen, L.M., Sikkes, S.A.M., Aarts, E.; MOCIA consortium; FINGER-NL consortium; Köhler, S., & van der Flier, W.M. A multidomain lifestyle intervention to maintain optimal cognitive functioning in Dutch older adults-study design and baseline characteristics of the FINGER-NL randomized controlled trial Decker et al. (2024)
Challenges in recognizing and discussing changes in a resident's condition in the palliative phase: focus group discussions with nursing staff working in nursing homes about their experiences Bagchus, C., Zee, M.S., van der Steen, J.T., Klapwijk, M.S., Dekker, N.L., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D., & Pasman, H.R.W. Challenges In Recognizing And Discussing Changes In A Resident’S Condition In The Palliative Phase Focus Group Discussions With Nursing Staff Working In Nursing Homes About Their Experiences Bagchus et al. (2024)
Palliative Care in Early Dementia: A Scoping Review de Sola-Smith, K., Gilissen, J., van der Steen, J.T., Mayan, I., Van den Block, L., Ritchie, C.S., & Hunt, L.J. Palliative Care In Early Dementia A Scoping Review de Sola-Smith et al. (2024)
The effect of a change in antihypertensive treatment on orthostatic hypotension in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Klop, M., Maier, A.B., Meskers, C.G.M., Steiner, J.M., Helsloot, D.O., van Wezel, R.J.A., Claassen, J.A.H.R., & de Heus, R.A.A. The Effect Of A Change In Antihypertensive Treatment On Orthostatic Hypotension In Older Adults A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis Klop et al. (2024)
Sex-differences in the association of social health and marital status with blood-based immune and neurodegeneration markers in a cohort of community-dwelling older adultsSex-differences in the association of social health and marital status with blood-based immune and neurodegeneration markers in a cohort of community-dwelling older adults Van der Velpen, I.F., Yaqub, A., Vernooij, M.W., Perry, M., Vernooij-Dassen, M.J.F., Ghanbari, M., Ikram, M.A., & Melis, R.J.F. Sex Differences In The Association Of Social Health And Marital Status With Blood Based Immune And Neurodegeneration Markers In A Cohort Of Community Dwelling Older Adults Van der Velpen et al. (2024)
Longitudinal associations between subjective cognitive impairment, pain and depressive symptoms in home-dwelling older adults: Modelling within-person effects Nakanishi, M., Perry, M., Bejjani, R., Yamaguchi, S., Usami, S., & van der Steen, J.T. Int J Geriat Psychiatry 2024 Nakanishi Longitudinal Associations Between Subjective Cognitive Impairment Pain And Nakanishi et al. (2024)
'Too young to sit at home': a qualitative study conducted among employees with young-onset dementia and their relatives Smeets, B., Janssen, N., Peetoom, K., Boots, L., Bakker, C., & de Vugt, M. Too Young To Sit At Home A Qualitative Study Conducted Among Employees With Young Onset Dementia And Their Relatives Smeets et al. (2024)
Personality assessment in nursing home residents with mental and physical multimorbidity: two informant perspectives Suntjens, A.F., Leontjevas, R., van den Brink, A.M.A., Voshaar, R.C.O., Koopmans, R.T.C.M., & Gerritsen, D.L. Personality Assessment In Nursing Home Residents With Mental And Physical Multimorbidity Two Informant Perspectives Suntjens et al. (2024)
A longitudinal cohort study on the use of health and care services by older adults living at home with/without dementia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: the HUNT study Ibsen, T.L., Strand, B.H., Bergh, S., Livingston, G., Lurås, H., Mamelund, S.E., Voshaar, R.O., Rokstad, A.M.M., Thingstad, P., Gerritsen, D., & Selbæk, G. A Longitudinal Cohort Study On The Use Of Health And Care Services By Older Adults Living At Home Withwithout Dementia Before And During The COVID 19 Pandemic The HUNT Study Ibsen et al. (2024)